Springboard Performance

Murmuration | Le Patin Libre

Co-presented with Arts Commons as part of Springboard's Season Presenting

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Wild birds.

Fascinating in their precision, enthusiasm and virtuosity, the artists of Le Patin Libre now number 15, and they’re as fast on their skates as ever! In this show, they emulate the patterns of flocks of birds. High-flying, breathtaking skating.

They glide, they glide and draw us into their wildest dreams. No fans of glitz and glamour, the gentle rebels of Le Patin Libre have given credibility to a discipline that they have elevated to the rank of contemporary performing art. Their new work on ice, created from simple algorithms made more complex by new variables, is inspired by the mysterious phenomenon of bird flocks, those mesmerizing aerial ballets evocatively called “murmurations.” Micromovements and changes of direction create a domino effect that alters the trajectory of the group; each performer, antennae up, is constantly on the lookout as they explore the dynamic interactions of a harmonious and exhilarating coexistence. An adrenaline rush for the whole family!

Featured Artists

  • Le Patin Libre ·

    Le Patin Libre is a contemporary ice skating company from Montreal. This performing art uses ice, skates and glide as medias. Some people see our work as a form of “contemporary dance on ice”. The first collective was founded in 2005 by ex high-level figure skaters. They regrouped with the intention of transforming their athleticism into a mean of free expression. Far from sparkles, stereotypes and champions’ demos, the creations of Le Patin Libre propose real works of art exploiting the amazing choreographic and theatrical potential of glide.

"A new masterpiece, epic and fascinating."

Tout la culture


  • Choreography: The Free Skate (Alexandre Hamel, Pascale Jodoin, Samory Ba)
  • Music: Jasmin Boivin, Philippe Le Bon
  • Lighting design: Yoann Tivoli
  • Costumes: Charlyne Guay, Pascale Jodoin
  • Artistic Advisor: Yaron Lifschitz With Oktawia Ścibior, David Billiau, Kristýna Mikulášová, Taylor Dilley, Sophie Blomqwist, Garrett Kling, Jennifer Edwards, Isaac Lindy, Maude Poulin, Jacqueline Benson, Haley Alcock, Imogen Croft, Samory Ba, Pascale Jodoin, Alexandre Hamel